Sunday, May 31, 2009


wherever i go,
whatever i do,
the people surround me.

and whenever it is,
or whichever i see,
the one want is not here.

why is this one,
this singular person,
so important to be with?

why do i feel this,
a constant need,
to be with this person?

to maybe hold this person in my arms?
to maybe break down those physical barriers?
those barriers so carefully built?

to maybe understand our minds?
to maybe break down those mental barriers?
those barriers so meticulously placed?

((i was at the park, sitting on a hill. i'm turning into a hopeless romantic, i swear.))


  1. It's okay baby we can break down the barriers between us. ;)

    Hahaha this is beautiful, even if it isn't about me. =P
