Tuesday, June 23, 2009


only when you notice that the world would be hardly different without you--

your friends would be the same, happier even.
your family would not be any different.
the people you meet on the street wouldn't know if you dissapeared--

do you realize the imprudence of your useless existence.

people say that you make a difference, that they needed you, that you were there for them in their time of need, that they wouldn't know what they would do without you, that you're important...

but important to who? to what? just furthering their life? just getting through to the next person?

friends are indispensable, one could never live without them.
i could never live--

but i have a sneaking suspicion that they could most certainly live without me.
and my sudden dissapearance would be met with emotion,
sobbing, hugging, reminiscing over the past--
but that would end quickly, for there are more important things to do.

like making new friends.
like building those relationships you couldn't before.
like spending time with those loved.

i feel so small.
and aren't we all?
just a small
little ball
of atoms making cells making bodies--
but even as humanity whirwinds to a close,
i would have had no part in it, if only to worsen the whole thing overall.

and with that,
i bid you.

i propose a toast: to all that live one day at a time.

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