Saturday, August 01, 2009


it falls, drips, trickles down.
will you be my rain?
washing me clean of fault,
be my refreshing rain.
slowly fall, catch the top of my head,
don't hit the ground.

mingle with my tears,
and don't let me discern what is born
from sky
or eye.

add the wind, lash me with your angry drops.
stinging all you can touch, my rain.
i strive for your pain.

fill all empty crevices with your water,
lets hope together, rain.
can you fill me up to the brim?
can i possibly overflow?
for i feel so empty, so hollow,
so full of holes.

pools of water, let me tumble
my way in.
surrounded by you, the rain.
you are fluid, all around me,
and you have all become one.

drowning in you, my love, my rain.
you fill my lungs with the drops
from the sky.

i open my eyes,
try to see my last sight,
and cannot discern what is born
from sky or


do you love the rain?
i do.


  1. I do the love the rain.
    I love the rain and I love you and I especially love what you've done with the place.

  2. You are brillent.
    You have such skill
