Monday, December 07, 2009


what did you think?
that sea-foam bubbles would
burst from my mouth and
float into your ears to
give you kind gifts and
soft warm delights to your
thought-riddled brain?

what did you think?
that my lovely head of hair would
turn twist into braids for you to
see and admire just for you to
rip them out of my scalp and
watch as my ruby blood
smeared poetics into your
softly sculpted chest?

what did you think?
that small spider sights would
leap from my eyes to yours and
give you new skies to

what did you think?
that i would let you
ravish my coneflower soul and
drip your venom thoughts so to
bend me to your razorblade whims?

what did you think?
that my rock temple mind would
forgive those thorny rose happenings?


the last three stanzas don't match,

but i liked them anyways.


  1. Sometimes I wonder who you write for

    Most of the time I don't want to know.

    I love your words... Have I told you this lately?

  2. thank you, lovely.

    and write for? hm?
