Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Did you know?

that after you stepped on my toes,
that after you pushed me to the dirt,
that after you kneed me in the stomach,
that after you punched me in the throat,
that after you grabbed a fistful my hair,
that after you slammed my face into concrete,
that after you sliced open my chest,
that after you shoved your hand into my body,
that after you hurled my still-beating heart against the wall,
that after you took my blood as ink to write your life,
that after you left my body to rot in the middle of my mind,

that you would be the happiest?

its a fair trade,
when i know nothing,
can say nothing,
deserve nothing,
this was more than i should have gained (nothing).

to aid is all i know.
to defy is all i can't.

while the chilled wind breathes over my glossy eyes,
while the water of the world caresses my mind,
while the stark-mad sun stretches its arms to warm my bones,
while the blizzards clutch my life times over,

i'll not know.
thought knows not of itself, but only of fancy.

random thoughts.

like scary bees, stinging my brain. bees are scary.

at least there's honey.

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