Saturday, July 25, 2009


And it's when you realize that you are--
BANG! goes the bullet to the brain,
Condolences to the family you find so
Dear. Friends who you thought
Enjoyed you are now
Freed from those binding chains.
Giddy with relief, they can now soar to new
Heights, like smoke from the stick of
Incense you left burning on the windowsill, your
Joys and sorrows are erased, and your last breath
Kindles sparks and flames. A fire that always frightens
Love away. Your
Mind now gone, heart to
Never experience that
Open connection. Body on a
Pyre, built from wood. Body wrapped in
Quilts. Sweet suicide, once not a worry, only to
Rot in Hell.
Sticky fingers reach out to grab those friends and drag
Them down too, but you bat them away, those
Ungrateful thoughts mustn't
Vex those who
Would have tried to
X-ray your brain, learn what was wrong with
You. But now, free, they will never know the
Zones of you that only fear and hate.

i wish people would just tell me.
that way, i wouldn't bother them anymore.
because i want only the best for them all.


  1. Have I told you recently
    how much I love you?
    No, i don't think I have.

    I love you.

  2. i dont think thats what i meant,
    but thank you,
    it means
    a lot.

  3. You don't think or you don't know?

